Author Archives: admin


July 9, Friday  FOURTEENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME         Jacob and his sons had to be uprooted and to accept the uncertain. Yet God promised to accompany them in the school of trials that prepared them to become his people.       What Jesus says of his apostles-missionaries applies also to all who follow him: they have […]

Tuesday August 31

TWENTY- SECOND WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME AUTHORITY OF JESUS   Introduction            Don’t you worry when the end time will come, Paul tell his Thessa­lonians. There is nothing to fear, just be always ready for the Lord’s coming.            The people and Jesus’ own disciples were often struck by the authority of Jesus. Here was someone higher […]

Friday August 27

TWENTY- FIRST WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME  LOOKING FORWARD   Introduction      In the first reading, Paul admonishes the Thessalonians to journey to God in right moral living. In this passage he stresses purity, as impurity was typically a pagan vice. Christianity is not in the first place a morality, but moral living in accordance with the […]

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