Author Archives: admin

Wednesday August 4

 EIGHTEENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME  MERE CRUMBS?   Introduction       We need a “discernment of spirits” to distinguish between wrong contestation and contestation that bears witness (con-testari) to what is just and right. When the Hebrews revolted in the desert, they protested against the demands of the covenant and the risks they had to take to […]

Tuesday August 3

 EIGHTEENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME  DIRTY HANDS, PURE HEARTS         Introduction It is regrettable that the Lectionary has omitted that part of the remark of Jesus that gives the foundation of this episode: “Why do you break the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?” Jesus redefines the true understanding of purity. One […]

A proper welcome

We haven’t baptized our pandemic baby yet. It’s fine. A still unscheduled baptism prompts a re-examination of a parent’s priorities. In my final trimester of pregnancy with our firstborn, I followed all of the Prepare for Baby instructions provided enthusiastically by friends, strangers, and the internet. I installed the car seat, sent thank-you notes for […]

Common ground

President Biden needs cooperation from church leaders Catholics and President Biden can find common ground for the common good. It’s no surprise that the nation’s most prominent Catholic, Joe Biden, has become the focus of episcopal consternation as the church’s intracultural war over pro-choice politicians and communion flares anew. His elevation to the presidency marks […]

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