Author Archives: admin

Friday April 29, 2022

CATHERINE of Siena, Virgin and Doctor               Introduction What a rich personality, this valiant woman became a doctor of the Church.  A Dominican Tertiary, she was the leader in Siena of a kind of “charismatic movement” with an evangelical lifestyle. Though very pleasant and joyful, she was very sad to see the Church suffering […]

Coffee With God

    Reflection: John 3:31-36 Since the beginning of this week, we have been reading about Nicodemus’ encounter with Jesus. As their conversation progresses, we realise that Nicodemus is no more around, but Jesus continues with his teaching on matters of Heaven and the Holy Spirit. Jesus invites all his listeners to be people of […]

Thursday April 28, 2022

Thursday of 2nd Week in Easter   Witnessing                                                                   “God has put his Word into the mouth of people in order that it may be communicated to others. When the Word strikes one person, he or she speaks it to others. God has willed that we should seek and find his living Word, in the […]

Thursday April 28, 2022

Thursday of 2nd Week in Easter   Witnessing      Introduction                                                                            “God has put his Word into the mouth of people in order that it may be communicated to others. When the Word strikes one person, he or she speaks it to others. God has willed that we should seek and find his living Word, in […]

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