Author Archives: admin


NORTHEAST INDIA VI GENERAL ASSEMBLY: “ROOTED IN THE WORD, AUDACIOUS IN MISSION” Shillong, India. The VI General Assembly of the Claretian Missionaries of Northeast India Independent Delegation began at 6:00 pm on 26 April 2022 at the Arrupe Renewal Centre, Mawshohroh, Shillong with the theme “Rooted in the Word. Audacious in Mission“. At the very outset, […]

Wednesday April 27, 2022

Wednesday of 2nd Week in Easter   Not to Condemn But to Save                         Introduction  God sent his only Son into the world to save us. Salvation. Do we need salvation? We have become so self-sufficient and proud of our human achievements that we often think that salvation belongs to another world – not ours. […]


WE ARE RELATIONSHIP – WE ARE IN A RELATIONSHIP Madrid, Spain. The Theological Institute of Religious Life (ITVR) in Madrid invited again consecrated men and women to participate in the traditional National Week for Institutes of Consecrated Life during the octave of Easter, April 20-23, 2022. Given the pandemic situation, the 51st National Week for Institutes of Consecrated […]

Third Sunday of Easter – Year C

  So much effort for nothing   In the Christian community, we elaborate ambitious pastoral programs; in the family, we implement the most up-to-date psychological techniques to educate our children better, commit ourselves, make plans, and yet—as we know—even the most praiseworthy efforts are not always crowned with success. The child enrolled, with many sacrifices, […]

Coffee With God

  Reflection: John 3:7-15 Today’s Gospel passage is part of the conversation between Nicodemus and Jesus. Nicodemus is presented as the representative of all those who got tangled with their traditions and customs. He was a reputed rabbi, but his reputations and qualifications prevented him from walking out the darkness of the wrong traditions and […]

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