Author Archives: admin

Saturday April 17 

SECOND WEEK OF EASTER  SERVANTS IN THE SPIRIT  Introduction                                                  The apostles were looking for disciples to serve the material needs of the people. They were supposed to be servants filled with the Spirit of wisdom, who would see the needs of their brethren, just and fair in distributing the food and help needed. […]

Friday April 16 

SECOND WEEK OF EASTER  BREAD TO SHARE. EUCHARIST                                                       Introduction  A sign worked by Jesus and told much in detail by all the evangelists is the multiplication of the bread. In all the Gospels, it is a sign of Jesus’ sharing himself, and even more so, a figure of Jesus’ continuing self-gift in the Eucharist. […]

Thursday April 15 

SECOND WEEK OF EASTER  WITNESSING                                                                            Introduction   “God has put his Word into the mouth of people in order that it may be communicated to others. When the Word strikes one person, he or she speaks it to others. God has willed that we should seek and find his living Word, in the witness of […]

Wednesday April 14 

SECOND WEEK OF EASTER  NOT TO CONDEMN BUT TO SAVE                                     Introduction  God sent his only Son into the world to save us. Salvation. Do we need salvation? We have become so self-sufficient and proud of our human achievements that we often think that salvation belongs to another world – not ours. But when in […]

Tuesday April 13

SECOND WEEK OF EASTER  ONE HEART AND ONE MIND                                               Introduction  We know from our disappointing experiences how difficult it is to be a real community. We have different personalities with different ideas, attitudes and potentials. The great obstacle is we ourselves: we want people to go our way, and we impose our […]

Saturday April 10 

Easter Saturday, WE CANNOT KEEP FROM SPEAKING                          Introduction If we have really encountered the Risen Lord in faith, nothing can stop us from proclaiming him and his Good News. But stronger and more convincing than whatever we say will be the language of our attitudes and actions. As this was the experience of the apostles, […]

Friday April 9 

Easter Friday, THERE IS NO OTHER NAME BY WHICH WE ARE SAVED                                                                                         Introduction All evangelists underline the disciples’ difficulty of recognizing the Risen Lord. First, they do not realize that he is there, and that he is just like a stranger; then, usually as a consequence of a word or action, it dawns […]

Thursday April 8

Easter Thursday, WITNESSES TO THE RISEN LORD                                      Introduction We gather for our Eucharist because we firmly believe that Christ died for us and he is risen from the dead. We gather around the risen Lord to open our hearts and minds to his word and to let him fill us with his living presence. […]

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