Author Archives: admin


PENTECOST SUNDAY   THE SPIRIT: FANCY TO POWER   Introduction Natural phenomena are what most impress the imagination of humans—fire, lightning, hurricanes, earthquakes, thunder (Ex 19:16-19)—and these are used in the Bible to describing the manifestations of God. The sacred authors also used images from nature to represent the outpouring of the Lord’s Spirit. They […]

Bible for Catholic Nerds – The Passion Narrative

The Passion Narrative Jericho is the last stop for those going to Jerusalem. In Jericho, Jesus met Zacchaeus, the chief tax collector, a man who seemed irredeemable, but instead, upon entering his home, his conversion took place. Salvation entered the life of Zacchaeus through the person of Jesus. After leaving Jericho, Jesus ascended to Jerusalem. […]

Bible for Catholic Nerds – Conversion and Salvation

Conversion and Salvation They informed Jesus about a recent event. Pilate had some Galileans killed who had done something unlawful in the temple in Jerusalem. They asked Jesus if the death of these Galileans had been caused by their sin. Jesus answered by making a clear distinction between that political action and the responsibility of […]

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