Author Archives: admin

Saturday April 23, 2022

Octave of Easter Saturday   We Cannot Keep from Speaking   Introduction                If we have really encountered the Risen Lord in faith, nothing can stop us from proclaiming him and his Good News. But stronger and more convincing than whatever we say will be the language of our attitudes and actions. As this was the […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Jn 21:1-14 Biblical scholars today suspect that this passage in the Gospel was not written by John himself. Many of the words and phrases used do not reflect the literary style of the previous chapters of John. They believe that probably a close disciple of John added this passage to the original text, to […]

Friday April 22, 2022

Octave of Easter Friday   There Is No Other Name By Which We Are Saved                                                All evangelists underline the disciples’ difficulty of recognizing the Risen Lord. First, they do not realize that he is there, and that he is just like a stranger; then, usually as a consequence of a word or action, […]

Friday April 22, 2022

Octave of Easter Friday   There Is No Other Name By Which We Are Saved   Introduction                                                                                      All evangelists underline the disciples’ difficulty of recognizing the Risen Lord. First, they do not realize that he is there, and that he is just like a stranger; then, usually as a consequence of a word […]

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