Author Archives: admin

Coffee With God

Reflection: LK 24:13-35 The Emmaus incident is recorded only in the Gospel according to Luke. The two disciples who were crestfallen over the murder of their Master are now leaving Jerusalem. The risen Christ encounters them on their way but they could not recognise him. We remember the story of Lazarus who returned from death […]

Wednesday April 20, 2022

Octave of Easter Wednesday   Walking With the Lord             It may happen to us, as to the disciples on Emmaus, that we are discouraged and disillusioned on our pilgrim of life. Without being aware of the Lord’s presence, we travel, we converse with strangers or friends, we eat meals, we are indifferent or have […]


Rome, Italy. An online launch of the Solidarity book entitled “Collaborative Mission in South Sudan” will take place at 14:30 Central European Time on the 21st of April 2022. This publication gives an insight into the activities and hopes of “Solidarity with South Sudan” and the people of South Sudan, and it reflects on the new paradigm offered by this […]

Wednesday April 20, 2022

Octave of Easter Wednesday   Walking With the Lord               Introduction                   It may happen to us, as to the disciples on Emmaus, that we are discouraged and disillusioned on our pilgrim of life. Without being aware of the Lord’s presence, we travel, we converse with strangers or friends, we eat meals, we are […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: John 20:11-18 We are once again told of the resurrection experience of Mary Magdalene. John narrates that she saw two angels in the place where the body of Jesus was placed. Although Jesus’ body is absent, John says one of the angels was facing the head, and the other faced the feet of Jesus. […]

Tuesday April 19, 2022

Octave of Easter Tuesday   Recognizing the Risen LORD                        It is not always easy to recognize the risen Lord. This was the experience of Mary Magdalene. We too, are asked, “Whom are you seeking?” Are we really seeking the Lord Jesus? Do we recognize him not only in our prayers and during the reception […]

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