Author Archives: admin

Coffee With God

Reflection: Matthew 20:17-28 Jesus strides ahead towards Jerusalem. He knows for certain what awaits him in Jerusalem and has already spoken to his disciples about his impending torture, suffering and death. Jesus says that the religious leaders of the Jewish people, will condemn Him to death and will hand him over to the gentiles and […]

Third Sunday of Lent – Year C

  TO CONVERT IS TO FIND ONE’S IDENTITY   Introduction ‘Things cannot go on like this, people take advantage, they cheat, the abuses are systematic, inexcusable, and there is no change of the situation in sight.’ We have often heard complaints like these. To complain is easy, but to propose a solution is difficult. To […]

Coffee With God

Reflection : Matthew 23:1-12 “Do and observe what they tell you, but do not follow their example!” Who are these “they?” When we read the bible, we tend to believe that Jesus is talking about someone, not me. The Pharisees, the scribes … the religious leaders of the time who preached a distorted face of […]

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