Author Archives: admin

Monday March 7, 2022         

Monday of 1st Week in Lent STS. PERPETUA AND FELICITY, Martyrs              Introduction Today we celebrate two women martyrs from Carthage, North Africa. Perpetua was a noblewoman, Felicity a slave girl. Both were arrested in a raid on Christians. Each had recently given birth and the Roman authorities tried to use their first newborn […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 4: 1-13 Every year, as Lent begins, we reflect on the temptations of Jesus lest we run the risk of making choices contrary to those indicated by the word of God. We all experience this inner conflict, which St. Paul presents in Romans 7, where he says, “I am not doing what I […]

Claretians at the 5th Session of the United…

Claretians at the 5th Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly – (UNEA-5.2) Nairobi, Kenya. The 5th session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.2) has kicked off in Nairobi-Kenya on February 28, 2022, and ended on Friday, March 4, 2022. This Assembly is guided by the overall theme of “Strengthening Actions for Nature to Achieve the […]

Coffee With God

Reflection Luke 5:27-32 During the Jubilee year of mercy in 2016, Pope Francis launched a book with the title ‘The Name of God is Mercy’. The book was a result of an interview with Pope Francis by an Italian journalist. In the interview, the Pope talked about the logic of God which is nothing but […]

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