Author Archives: admin

Coffee With God

Reflection: Mark 9:2-13 Mark narrates the incident of the Transfiguration of Jesus after he makes the first announcement about his death (chapter 8:27-30). This announcement had disturbed and upset the minds of the disciples. Peter tries to dissuade him (Mk 8:31-33). For the disciples, the cross was an obstacle to belief in Jesus. They could […]

Saturday February 19, 2022

Saturday of 6th Week in Ordinary Time On the Mountain of Glory                                         Introduction Alarmed by the evil done to the Christian community by false teachers, James warns against the dangers of falsehood. This warning is valid today when words are so much manipulated to deceive and disguise. After he has announced his coming suffering […]

A common priesthood to make God known to others

Vatican City. The Symposium on Priesthood is held these days, from February 17 to 19, 2022. Its an International Congress on Vocations: Priests, Laity, Consecrated, promoted by the Center for Research and Anthropology of Vocations and Cardinal Marc Ouellet, Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops. And our Congregation is taking part in it through the Theological […]

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