Author Archives: admin

Fourth Sunday in ordinary time – Year C

THE PROPHET: AN UNCOMFORTABLE PERSON Fourth Sunday in ordinary time – Year C Introduction There are unexpected and unintended tribulations, but there are others that are the result of choices made. The price to pay for those who agree to carry out the unrewarding and challenging mission of a prophet is persecution. Even the nicest […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Mark 16:15-18 Today the Church celebrates the feast of the conversion of Saint Paul and today is also the last day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The Gospel brings us the Mission Mandate of the Risen Christ for our reflection, prayer and action. Saul’s conversion story serves as an eye-opener for […]

Conversion of St Paul

January 25   Introduction Whoever enters Damascus from the eastern gate comes to Straight Street. The ancient decuman (inancient Rome—the main entrance of a military camp, facing away from the enemy and near which the tenthcohort of the legion was usually stationed) crosses the entire city from east to west. It has kept the name given by […]

Monday January 24

Monday of 3rd Week in Ordinary Time Led By God’s Good Spirit   FRANCIS OF SALES Brilliant, spirited, humorous, and very kind, St. Francis was bishop of Geneva during the Reformation. Both through his eloquence and his personal contact with people, he convinced many not to become Protestants and won many back to Catholicism. He […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Mk 3:22-30 Today the Church celebrates the memorial of the patron saint of journalists and writers – St. Francis de Sales – a 16th century bishop and doctor of the Church. He was a religious celebrity of his time. His concern for the poor reflected in his choice of life of austerity in humility. […]

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