Coffee With God

Reflection: Mark 1:21-28 Gospel reading (Mk 1:21-28) is part of a wider narrative called a “day in Capernaum”. At the heart of today’s reading is the event of the exorcism through which Jesus is presented as a powerful prophet in word and deed. He spoke with authority and healed the sick and those possessed by […]

Tuesday January 11

 Tuesday of 1st Week in Ordinary Time GOD’S SAVING POWER                               Introduction Extraordinary vocations are, at times, described in the bible in terms of barrenness, which, through prayer and faith in God’s power, produces life. It underlines God’s gratuitous grace, God’s power and also the difficulty, the struggle of faith, to lead to redemption. […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Mark 1:14-20 Today, the liturgy begins in the Ordinary Time of the Liturgical Year. The beginning of the Gospel of Mark opens the curtain on the first activities of Jesus: His preaching and the first fruits. Four fishermen drop everything and follow him. He preaches his first sermon in the Gospel of Mark: It […]

Monday January 10

Monday of 1st Week in Ordinary Time DISCIPLES TODAY                                      Introduction A word about the books of Samuel. After the confused times of the settlement in Palestine comes a more stable era with the kings. This period is important because the very vague “salvation” described earlier, – a land of their own for the Hebrews, […]

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