Thursday January 6

Thursday After Epiphany God’s Word Fulfilled Today Speaking in the synagogue of Nazareth, Jesus says that God’s word is fulfilled today, that he proclaims and is the good news of joy to everyone. Similarly, Jesus proclaims to us today in our Eucharistic assemblies the good news of God’s liberating love, and he is himself that […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 4:14-22a Jesus began his preaching ministry in Galilee and gained immense popularity. Now he returns to his home in Nazareth and is in the synagogue there. He must have been a bit nervous. Familiar faces can calm our fears, but they also can cause us additional pressures! Jesus did not disappoint the hometown […]

Thursday January 6

Thursday After Epiphany   God’s Word Fulfilled Today   Introduction          Speaking in the synagogue of Nazareth, Jesus says that God’s word is fulfilled today, that he proclaims and is the good news of joy to everyone.          Similarly, Jesus proclaims to us today in our Eucharistic assemblies the good news of God’s liberating love, […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Mark 6:45-52 The Gospel today presents the story of the disciples of Jesus on a boat facing the turbulent sea while Jesus walks towards them on the waters. The easiest explanation we have is of the image of the boat symbolising the Church, and the sea represents the world. Facing the scandals, hatred and […]

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