PRIESTLY ORDINATION IN INDONESIA-TIMOR LESTE IND. DELEGATION A CALL TO BE ROOTED IN CHRIST AND AUDACIOUS IN GIVING WITNESS Kupang – Indonesia. It has been a blessing for Indonesia-Timor Leste Independent Delegation on this Advent pilgrimage with the third ordination in 2021. On Saturday, December 18, 2021 at St. Francis of Asisi of BTN Kolhua – […]
Gustavo Alonso and José Rovira cmf conversing among brothers. The Province of San José del Sur and the Centre of Claretian Spirituality (Vic) joined forces to produce an unpublished material in homage to our X Superior General: Fr. Gustavo Alonso Taborda cmf. From it we will be able to meet again with the serene presence […]
FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY – YEAR C NEITHER DEVALUED NOR IDOLIZED Introduction ‘Children are God’s gift to the world, and they belong to everyone.’ Here is a phrase that sometimes provokes the jealousy of mothers, jealousy a symptom of a possessive love for their son who is increasingly unique, overprotected, pampered, over-defended. The […]
December 23, Thursday FOURTH WEEK OF ADVENT Indeed, “God is gracious.” This is the meaning of the name John. We are told today about the birth of the forerunner of Jesus, John the Baptist. We remember the coming of the Savior and how a special messenger of God had to prepare the […]
Reflection: Luke 1:57-66 God will not rest until he fulfils every one of his promises. Zachariah’s unusual encounter with God was an answer to his prayers to God for years. John’s birth was a sign of mercy that God showed to his people as Zachariah and Elizabeth experienced the extraordinary intervention of God. In the […]
FOURTH WEEK OF ADVENT God is Gracious Introduction Indeed, “God is gracious.” This is the meaning of the name John. We are told today about the birth of the forerunner of Jesus, John the Baptist. We remember the coming of the Savior and how a special messenger of God […]