THIRD WEEK OF ADVENT Good News to the Poor Introduction People and events are agents of salvation: heaven and earth cooperate, but ultimately it is God who saves through people. In the first reading, through the prophet, God addresses Cyrus the Great, who let the Jews return from exile. He was […]
PROVINCE OF EASTERN COLOMBIA AND ECUADOR MISSIONARIES OF LIFE: Rooted in Christ and Audacious in Mission On December 12 in the morning hours, we made the lauds, thanking God for the work we have been doing as a provincial community. We recall that today we celebrate the invocation of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Guadalupe. […]
Fourth Sunday of Advent – Year C “Answer me, for I am poor” (Ps 86:1), so prays the Psalmist. It surprises the reason he thinks to convince God to intervene on his behalf: I am poor. To gain access to the palaces of the sovereigns, of the rulers of this world, solid recommendations are necessary, titles […]
December 14, Tuesday THIRD WEEK OF ADVENT God had spoken continually to his people in words and deeds, yet they did not listen. But among them a remnant of poor people will return to God. With them, all the pagan, sinful nations will come to serve God. Sinners who recognize their poverty, are perhaps more […]
Reflection: Matthew 21: 28-32 Today, the Church celebrates the memorial of St. John of the Cross, who initiated the spiritual renewal of his own religious community. Ordained a Carmelite priest in 1567 at age 25, John met Teresa of Avila and vowed himself to the Rule of the Carmelites. As partner with Teresa, John engaged […]
THIRD WEEK OF ADVENT The Poor and Sinners – Open to the Word Introduction God had spoken continually to his people in words and deeds, yet they did not listen. But among them a remnant of poor people will return to God. With them, all the pagan, sinful nations will come to serve […]