Coffee With God

Reflection: Matthew 9: 27-31 Today the Church celebrates the witness of life and missionary example of Saint Francis Xavier. Co-founder of the Society Jesus, his apostolate span across southern India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, parts of Indonesia and Japan. He died in Shangchuan Island, in China at the age of 46. St. Francis Xavier is a […]

Friday December 3

FIRST WEEK OF ADVENT The Blind Will See                                      Introduction          In this season of hope, Advent, the word of God gives us a vision of hope. The mighty who rely on their own political power and alliances will be crushed, but the poor, the deaf, the blind, that is, those who still believe in […]

God, Our Rock

December 2, Thursday FIRST WEEK OF ADVENT            The first reading comes from an insert in Isaiah that was written in a later period. It speaks of God’s judgment and the victory of God over “cities” of sin. But Jerusalem, God’s community, God’s city, will stand. Those faithful to God can rely on him: […]

Coffee With God

Reflection Matthew 7: 21,24-27 The Gospel calls us to become Christians of action and truth and not merely Christians of words. So often we are tempted to be satisfied with our recitation of set of prayers and believe that we are doing all that a Christian should do. Do we fall into the category of […]

Thursday December 2

FIRST WEEK OF ADVENT  God, Our Rock                                                Introduction          The first reading comes from an insert in Isaiah that was written in a later period. It speaks of God’s judgment and the victory of God over “cities” of sin. But Jerusalem, God’s community, God’s city, will stand. Those faithful to God can rely on […]

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