November 8, Monday Thirty-Second Week in Ordinary Time           The First Reading in Year I will be taken for a whole week from the Book of Wisdom. It was written in Greek in Alexandria, the century before the Christian era. Although he hopes non-Jews to read it too, the author advises mainly his co-religionists […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 17: 1-6 Evangelist Luke pays great attention on the command of Jesus to care for the poor and oppressed. He finds the social and economic situation of the poor of his community had a lot in common with the situation in the Jewish society, where Jesus lived. Although the members of the community […]

In the Hands of God

November 7, Sunday Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time   How much do we Christians dare to live in the hands of God? Shouldn’t that be our trademark as Christians, together with love for one another? We are supposed to love God so much that we trust him completely, absolutely, without conditions, without fear or hesitation. […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Mark 12:38-44 From the beginning of his public life, Jesus came into conflict with the representatives of the religious institution, the scribes and the Pharisees. They called him a heretic and Jesus called them thieves and robbers who had turned the temple into a den of thieves. Today’s Gospel begins by presenting Jesus’ attack […]


November 6, Saturday THIRTIETH-FIRST WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME Paul concludes his letter to the Romans with various greetings and a hymn of praise to God. After the Lord’s parable on the unjust steward, Luke adds several statements from various sources, some allegorical reflections of the early Christian communities, some his own comments, all rather remotely […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 16:9-15 Today’s passage is a continuation of what we have reflected on yesterday where Jesus was praising the choice of the unfaithful steward to give up his dirty wealth and profits to gain friends. The friends to whom Jesus was referring to in the parable were obviously the poor. They had owed debts […]

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