THIRTIETH-FIRST WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME POSSESSIONS AND THE GOSPEL Introduction Paul concludes his letter to the Romans with various greetings and a hymn of praise to God. After the Lord’s parable on the unjust steward, Luke adds several statements from various sources, some allegorical reflections of the early Christian communities, some his own comments, […]
Inauguration of the Claretian Biblical Museum (MUBÍC) Medellin, Colombia. Last October 28, the Claretian Biblical Museum (MUBIC) was inaugurated in Medellín, Colombia. It is a biblical pedagogical tour initiated and promoted by the Claretian biblical scholar Fr. Gonzalo María de La Torre, cmf. The inauguration of the museum represents the culmination of a long-awaited project, […]
Acts of the Apostles Luke, the author of the Acts of the Apostles, narrated the conversion of Saul of Tarsus. Perhaps Luke did not consider it a conversion but rather a maturing; he has grown to fullness, but he has changed; he has changed his attitude. It is chapter 9 of Acts, which we read […]
November 5, Friday THIRTY-FIRST WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME Paul excuses himself for interfering in the affairs of the Church of Rome, for it was not founded by him. But he will rely on the Romans for his missionary journeys to the West. He has two basic reasons for dealing with them: collegiality […]
Reflection: Luke 16:1-8 Today’s parable brings a certain confusion because, apparently, Jesus is praising the dishonest administrator and this cannot be recommended for us Christians to imitate! We are expecting a different conclusion. Jesus should have said to his disciples: “Do not act like this villain; be honest!” Instead he approves of what he did. […]
THIRTIETH-FIRST WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME GOOD STEWARDS Introduction Paul excuses himself for interfering in the affairs of the Church of Rome, for it was not founded by him. But he will rely on the Romans for his missionary journeys to the West. He has two basic reasons for dealing with them: collegiality – […]
November 4, Thursday THIRTIETH-FIRST WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME The heart of the Gospel and of Christianity, of the Christian community, of the Church – and therefore of the life of every Christian – lies in living for one another and somehow belonging to others: to God and to our neighbor, in love, mercy, mutual help, forming […]
Reflection: Luke 15:1-10 The scribes and the Pharisees who witnessed Jesus’ teachings and signs were scandalised and murmured against him. What scandalised them most was the fact that “Jesus ate with tax collectors and sinners, and that he moved with them”. It is unforgivable for the Pharisees to welcome sinners and eat with them. And […]
THIRTIETH-FIRST WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME LOST AND FOUND Introduction The heart of the Gospel and of Christianity, of the Christian community, of the Church – and therefore of the life of every Christian – lies in living for one another and somehow belonging to others: to God and to our neighbor, in love, mercy, mutual help, forming […]
November 3, Wednesday THIRTIETH-FIRST WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME St. Augustine said: “Love and do what you want,” not to declare that in the name of love anything goes, but that if we truly love, then, we are ready to give our all to God and our neighbor. We will know what is right. […]