Reflection: Luke 14: 25-33 Corporate planners and management trainers would insist to always make positive statements instead of negatives. Anything that begins with “Don’t” or “No” is not much appreciated. To the standards of today’s management strategists, Jesus’ plan was a failure from the start! How could he draw up his masterplan for recruiting his […]
THIRTIETH-FIRST WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME KNOW YOUR COMMITMENT Introduction St. Augustine said: “Love and do what you want,” not to declare that in the name of love anything goes, but that if we truly love, then, we are ready to give our all to God and our neighbor. We will know what is […]
Zamboanga City, Philippines. The celebration of the Solemnity of Saint Anthony Mary Claret was made even more special with the ordination of six young Claretian missionaries who comes from Vietnam, Myanmar, and the Philippines. Ordained as priests were Frs. Pham Quang Sang, CMF, Ven John Porras, CMF, Le Duc Tho, CMF, and Hoang Viet Hung, CMF. […]
Rome, Italy. After a day of trial, the IV World Congress of Educators of the Claretian Family, which will gather more than 350 participants from all continents and will be held online from November 2 to 6, starts on November 2. With the purpose of encouraging a truly transformative education, the Congress takes over from […]
THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – YEAR B Introduction The Bible frequently exhorts us to give alms: “Give to the hungry some of your food, and to the naked some of your clothing. Whatever you have left over, give away as alms; and do not let your eye begrudge the alms that you give” (Tb […]
ALL SOULS Created for Life Death will always remain a mystery and a pain. Yet as Christians we live in faith and hope. If we had enough faith, we would face death without fear and welcome it as a homecoming in the house of the Father. In our faith, there is no place for […]
Reflection John 14:1-6 Today we remember our dear deceased. We thank the Lord for the gift of all our dear ones who have gone ahead of us. For many people, the month of November, and not just today, is a time dedicated to the commemoration of all the faithful departed. We pray for them, for […]
ALL SOULS DAY Created for Life Greeting (See Rom 8:38-39) Neither death nor life, nothing that exists, nothing still to come, nor any created thing can ever come between us and the love of God made visible in Christ Jesus our Lord. May this risen Lord be always with you. R/ And also […]
November 1, Monday They Had the Courage to Be Different On this celebration of All Saints, we ask ourselves: What is our idea of saints? Are they to us idealistic dreamers out of touch with the world and with people, passive and joyless like their plaster statues? Today’s liturgy tells us a different story. They […]
Reflection: Matthew 5: 1-12 Today is the feast of all saints. In medieval England, the feast was known as All Hallows’ Day, and this is why its eve is still known as Halloween. Who are these saints? Who are we celebrating today? Do saints refer to those who while living on this earth, lived a […]