Coffee With God

Reflection Mark 12:28-34 Today’s text presents Jesus in the temple where, he was asked by a scribe a theological question: “What is the most important commandment?” The scribes had discovered 613 commandments of the Law and the question was: Of these 613, which one is the most important? Many teachers maintained that the most important […]

East Nigeria province celebrates Claretian Family Day

New Owerri, Nigeria. With pomp and pageantry, the Claretian Missionaries East Nigeria Province on Sunday 24 October 2021 celebrated the Feast of their Father Founder St Anthony Mary Claret. This year’s feast was combined with the Claretian Family Day which usually is celebrated on the following Sunday after the Feast of St. Anthony Mary Claret. […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke14:1,7-11 In Israel lunch on a Sabbath used to be an occasion for relatives and friends to meet and have a time of socialisation. After the time of liturgy in the synagogue, family and friends would move to a house and have their time of chat and meal together. Today’s passage is to be […]

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