SOLEMNITY OF ALL SAINTS They Had the Courage to Be Different Greeting (Rom 1, 7) To all of you who are God’s beloved and called to be saints, grace and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord’s peace stay with you. R/ And also with you. Introduction by […]
October 31, Sunday THIRTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME There is no greater love than that which disposes someone to give up one’s life for others. Jesus, the person who tells us this, proved by his own life and death that he meant what he said. He insists that love of God and love […]
Reflection Mark 12:28-34 Today’s text presents Jesus in the temple where, he was asked by a scribe a theological question: “What is the most important commandment?” The scribes had discovered 613 commandments of the Law and the question was: Of these 613, which one is the most important? Many teachers maintained that the most important […]
THIRTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Love Summit and Summary of All Commandments Share God’s Love Greeting (see Second Reading) Jesus here among us offered himself for us. He is living for ever to intercede for all of us who come to him. May his grace and peace be always with you. R/ And also with you. […]
Kumbo, Cameroon. Thursday 28 October was a day of joy and celebration for the Claretian Missionaries and the people of God in the Diocese of Kumbo. This day saw the birth of a new deacon in the Delegation of Cameroon, in the person of Martin Hervé Ndi Nkoumou, cmf. The ordination took place in Kumbo […]
Tobin, Cameroon. The solemnity of St. Anthony Mary Claret with all the brothers of the Northwest and West zones in the Independent Delegation of Cameroon was celebrated in a special ceremony on October 27, 2021, at Our Lady of Immaculate Conception Parish in Tobin in the Diocese of Kumbo; under the guidance of the Major […]
New Owerri, Nigeria. With pomp and pageantry, the Claretian Missionaries East Nigeria Province on Sunday 24 October 2021 celebrated the Feast of their Father Founder St Anthony Mary Claret. This year’s feast was combined with the Claretian Family Day which usually is celebrated on the following Sunday after the Feast of St. Anthony Mary Claret. […]
TEACH US, O LORD, TO COUNT OUR DAYS Introduction We leave the maternal womb and enter into this world; after childhood we enter adolescence; we leave adolescence for youth; youth to mature age and old age. Finally, the time comes to leave this world to which we have grown fond of perhaps to the […]
Thirtieth Week In Ordinary Time KNOW YOUR PLACE If a trusted friend proves disloyal, we feel badly hurt and find it almost impossible to remain faithful. Not so with God. He remains faithful to Israel, of which all but a small rest abandoned him. Yet, the Jews keep a role in God’s plans by facilitating, […]
Reflection: Luke14:1,7-11 In Israel lunch on a Sabbath used to be an occasion for relatives and friends to meet and have a time of socialisation. After the time of liturgy in the synagogue, family and friends would move to a house and have their time of chat and meal together. Today’s passage is to be […]