Vic, Spain. The film “Claret” was very well received in the city of Vic, where Claret founded the Congregation of Missionaries Sons of the Heart of Mary. The film was premiered on Friday, October 1 at 5:35 p.m. at the Multicines-Sucre. Two more screenings will be held on Sunday, October 3 and Wednesday, October 6. The […]
Twenty eight Sunday in the ordinary Time – YEAR B Introduction Chosen as the judge of the musical contest between the flute of Pan and the lyre of Apollo, King Midas awarded the victory to the former. Only a clueless person, one with the musical sensibility of a donkey, could have made such a […]
Reflection: Luke 10: 38-42 In our parishes, we find many of our friends who come to Mass on Sundays, but are always busy. They have no time for their family, no time to play with their children. It happens to priests and religious too. We are too busy with many of our projects and in […]
October 5, Tuesday TWENTY-SEVENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME In Jonah’s experience, God’s word is very powerful if we bring it to people in the name of God and if they are open to it. A hospitable family or person makes guests feel at home and gives them the best available. But if we are […]
TWENTY-SEVENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME HOSPITALITY Introduction In Jonah’s experience, God’s word is very powerful if we bring it to people in the name of God and if they are open to it. A hospitable family or person makes guests feel at home and gives them the best available. But if we are truly hospitable […]
Reflection: Luke 10: 25-37 Today we celebrate the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. In 1979, Saint Pope John Paul II declared St. Francis the patron saint of ecology. Today is also the concluding day of the annual observation of month-long Season of Creation. The Season of Creation is an ecumenical celebration of prayer and […]
October 4, Monday TWENTY-SEVENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME Jonah is not a prophetic but a humoristic, didactic book. In an ironic way it teaches a surprising universalism: God wants also pagans to be converted. Perhaps it also teaches prophets to accept their mission and not to refuse to seek the conversion even of the […]
TWENTY-SEVENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME WHO IS MY NEIGHBOR? Introduction Jonah is not a prophetic but a humoristic, didactic book. In an ironic way it teaches a surprising universalism: God wants also pagans to be converted. Perhaps it also teaches prophets to accept their mission and not to refuse to seek the conversion even of […]
October 3, Sunday Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time The first pages of the Bible tell us that God created man and woman in his own image. That means that God, who is love, wanted to unite them in the bond of love and make them live for the love of each other. That is how […]
Reflection: Mark 10:2-16 The first reading recalls what was the beginning of all things. It tells it in a romantic way. Maybe it wasn’t exactly like that, but the most important thing is contained in that story: man and woman met and recognized each other. The look did not stop at the eyes. It reached […]