Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time They Become One May Our Love Last Greeting All praise be to God our Father for creating people in his likeness and making them capable of faithfulness through the self-giving love of his Son and the unifying power of the Spirit. May the Lord be always with […]
“Querida Congregación”, Be Rooted in Christ and Audacious in Mission! Dear brothers, After the conclusion of the XXVI General Chapter, the delegates are back to their communities with joy and renewed enthusiasm. In the words of Claret, I would say “This is the finger of God” (Aut. 609) that made it possible for us to […]
START OF THE FORMATIVE JOURNEY 2021-2022 Caracas, Venezuela. From September 22 to 24, the Emmaus Theologate House of Formation began its experience in this formative year 2021-2022. The formative community reviewed and updated the Community Project and carried out the community, apostolic, and formative programming for the first semester of the year. The meeting concluded […]
Reflection: Mathew 18:1-5,10 Today we celebrate the feast of the Holy Guardian Angels. Life is a journey, along which we must be helped by companions, by protectors, by guides that guard us against dangers, and from the traps we might encounter along the way. The Lord promises us, His people, special helpers who travel […]
October 2, Saturday TWENTY-SIXTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME THE JOY OF LIBERATION In the 2nd century before Christ, a prophet borrowing the name of Baruch makes Jerusalem speak a message of hope and joy to her scattered children in the Diaspora. God will liberate them from their infidelities. Today we hear the closing […]
TWENTY-SIXTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME THE JOY OF LIBERATION The Guardian Angels Introduction In the 2nd century before Christ, a prophet borrowing the name of Baruch makes Jerusalem speak a message of hope and joy to her scattered children in the Diaspora. God will liberate them from their infidelities. Today we hear the closing […]
Acts of the Apostles On the day of Pentecost, the Spirit breaks into the house where the apostles and the Christian community were, the doors open, and the Church goes out to begin the mission of proclamation. Peter gave the first solemn speech that Luke reworked and proposed in chapter 2 of the Acts of […]
TWENTY-SIXTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME SIN – IN US Introduction The reading from Baruch is not from the hand of Baruch, who was the secretary of Jeremiah. It dates from the time of the Maccabees and is like a penitential celebration deploring the sins that had led to the present calamities and oppression. Modern […]
October 1, Friday TWENTY-SIXTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME The reading from Baruch is not from the hand of Baruch, who was the secretary of Jeremiah. It dates from the time of the Maccabees and is like a penitential celebration deploring the sins that had led to the present calamities and oppression. Modern means of […]