Reflection: Luke 7:36-50 Today’s Gospel is set in the background of a meal. Every meal that Jesus shared says something to us about Christian community. His ‘last supper’ for example was one of many. The word ‘Pharisee’ means ‘separated one.’ As the name suggested, they were separated with the authority to teach in the meeting […]
September 16, Thursday TWENTY-FOURTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME In antiquity, maturity was supposed to come not earlier than the age of fifty. Timothy must have been about thirty only when Paul wrote his first letter to him. Paul advises him to develop the charisma he had received at his ordination, through the imposition of […]
TWENTY-FOURTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME FORGIVING ENCOUNTER Introduction In antiquity, maturity was supposed to come not earlier than the age of fifty. Timothy must have been about thirty only when Paul wrote his first letter to him. Paul advises him to develop the charisma he had received at his ordination, through the imposition of […]
HOUSE OF THE LIVING GOD TWENTY-FOURTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME We hear today the core of St Paul’s first letter to Timothy. The Church is the community of the living God that makes Christ visible to the world. At a time when Christians had no temples or churches, he speaks of the living […]
Reflection: Luke 7:31-35 Jesus was gaining popularity and people began to raise questions: “Who is this?” Even John the Baptist who was assigned with the mission of preparing the way for the Messiah, now in prison, raises his concerns about whether Jesus is truly the Messiah. Jesus uses the occasion to speak words of high […]
TWENTY-FOURTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME HOUSE OF THE LIVING GOD Introduction We hear today the core of St Paul’s first letter to Timothy. The Church is the community of the living God that makes Christ visible to the world. At a time when Christians had no temples or churches, he speaks of the living […]
THE ONE WHO SERVES IS WORTH, NOT THE ONE WHO SEEKS TO STAND OUT Introduction He who is in love is always “out of himself with joy.” He goes out of himself; he forgets himself by an irrepressible impulse to go to meet the other. Even the mystical experience of ecstasy—from the Greek wordexistánai—means […]
September 14, Tuesday TWENTY-FOURTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME Jesus keeps reminding us in the gospels that being his disciple is something not to be taken lightly, for to be a disciple means to be one who follows the master. So the disciple has to face the cross, just as Jesus had to face […]
Reflection John 3: 13-17 The Cross is the sacred symbol of our faith. Yet, for the first three centuries after the death of Jesus on the cross, the Christians intentionally did not use the cross as a symbol of their faith. They were recognized in other symbols—the anchor, the fish, the loaves, the dove, […]
TWENTY-FOURTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME TRIUMPH OF THE CROSS The Cross Brings Life Greeting Praise to God our Father, who loved us so much that he gave us his only Son, so that all who believe in him may have eternal life. May Jesus fill us with his life and be always with […]