TWENTY-THIRD WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME LOVE WITHOUT BOUNDARIES Introduction Paul asks his Colossians to express in deeds the life they have received in baptism. The most precious gift they have received is love. Love binds into one in perfect harmony all the virtues they have received and also binds together all Christians as one […]
Reflection: Matthew 1: 1-16; 18-23 Today the universal Church honours the Blessed Virgin Mary as we joyfully celebrate her nativity. The Church celebrates the story of God accompanying us, the humanity, the crown of his creation and chooses one of us to be the Mother of God the Son. Today’s gospel passage regarding Jesus’ […]
September 8, Wednesday TWENTY-THIRD WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME The Bible, including today’s readings, sees Mary in function of her Son; nothing more is said about her in the gospel than what illustrates and serves Christ’s mission. Her inconspicuous and self-effacing service is very telling about her character and role – and at the same time about […]
TWENTY-THIRD WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME FEAST OF MARY’S BIRTH Introduction The Bible, including today’s readings, sees Mary in function of her Son; nothing more is said about her in the gospel than what illustrates and serves Christ’s mission. Her inconspicuous and self-effacing service is very telling about her character and role – and at the same […]
Nemi, Italy. September 6, 2021. The routine that often characterizes our daily life, preventing us from perceiving those bursts of transcendence present in our everyday lives, can be overcome thanks to the gift of fraternity, which always expresses itself in many ways. We experienced this yesterday, Sunday, on a day of rest for the Chapter […]
Nemi, Italy. September 3, 2021. The day began with the Eucharistic celebration in the Syro-Malabar rite, presided over by the capitulars of the Province of St. Thomas. We met the Syro-Oriental tradition and rite, sharing the table of the Word and the table of Bread in two languages: Malayalam and English. After the Eucharist, our confreres […]
Nemi, Italy. September 4, 2021. Today, the first Saturday of September, our confreres of the Province of Colombia-Ecuador presided over the Eucharistic celebration, entrusting to Mary, our mother and formator, the work of the design stage on which we have been embarked since yesterday. In addition to the daily reasons for thanksgiving, today we were […]
TWENTY-FOUR SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – YEAR B Introduction The question we now turn to whoever asks us to follow him is: ‘Where do you want to lead me?’ The disciples forgot to put it to Jesus when, along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, they heard his call, “Follow me!” (Mk 1:17). Fascinated by […]
TWENTY-THIRD WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME LIVING IN CHRIST THE LORD The community of the Christians of Colossae was threatened with deviations from pagan philosophies and Jewish practices. In the very dense and rich passage of today, Paul insists that all that counts is Christ; we live in him through baptism, and die and rise with […]
Reflection: Lk 6:12-19 Today’s Gospel speaks of Jesus choosing his apostles after a night of prayer on the mountain. There are two important points implied in this narrative. There were a group of disciples who accompanied Jesus on to the mountain for prayer. They have spent the night together on the mountain in prayer. Jesus […]