With the grain

Is classical education the future of Catholic schools? Classical Catholic schools are on the rise. Are they the best way forward? For most of 2020 and the beginning of 2021, educators, students, and families alike were just hanging on to survive school in the midst of a pandemic. Some schools invested in new online software […]

An incomplete legacy

Native Catholic schools chart a new way forward How Native schools are wrestling with their legacy and living out their Catholic charism in the present. It’s the Moon of Snowblindness on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. It’s been a cold March with the temperature often below zero. The road passes Wounded Knee and its cemetery […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 6:6-11 We have already seen the meaning of the Sabbath as a day of great joy, intended to be spent in prayer, listening to the Word of God and sharing meals together – in short, a time spent with the Lord. But, over many years of religious practices, the rabbis interpreted the scriptures […]

Coffee With God

  Reflection: Mark 7:31-37 Prophet Jeremiah calls Israel a “stupid and senseless people, who have eyes and do not see, who have ears and do not hear” (Jer 5:21)! Deafness, in the Bible, is the image of the rejection of God’s word. It shows the condition of a person seduced by misleading voices. It is […]

September 4, Saturday

TWENTY-SECOND WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME THE LAW HAS TO SERVE PEOPLE       Paul reminds his Colossians that before their conversion they were estranged from God. Now that they have been reconciled with God and one another, they should remain       A frequent sign of their own insecurity is that people seek security in laws and traditions. The […]

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