Reflection: Luke 6: 1-5 In Jesus’ time the feast of the Sabbath began on Friday evening at sunset. At that hour, in every village, a man climbed on the roof of the house and sounded the horn three times. At the first call, all the activities of the fields were suspended. All the household works […]
Nemi, Italy. September 2, 2021. The amazement experienced by the apostles in this day’s Gospel is similar to what we see today in our chapter assembly. After seventeen days of intense work, it can be somewhat tedious to continue this arduous path of transformation, and so we exclaim with the disciples, “Master, we have been laboring […]
TWENTY-SECOND WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME THE LAW HAS TO SERVE PEOPLE Introduction Paul reminds his Colossians that before their conversion they were estranged from God. Now that they have been reconciled with God and one another, they should remain A frequent sign of their own insecurity is that people seek security in laws and traditions. […]
The evening of the first day of the week, on the same day of the resurrection, the risen Lord presents himself among the apostles. The evangelist John with special attention shows this presence of the Risen Lord among his own. A gesture of breathing characterizes it. The risen Christ breathes upon his disciples, imparting […]
TWENTY-SECOND WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME CREATED ANEW IN CHRIST In today’s first reading, Paul makes, or more probably uses, a liturgical hymn that describes the primacy of Christ as the Lord of all. This is precisely the core of our faith, that Christ is the first-born of creation, and, as the risen Lord, the head […]
Reflection: Luke 5: 33-39 The subject of food is often the subject of litigation. The Jewish leaders accused Jesus of being an eater and a drinker. He was accused of eating and drinking with tax collectors and public sinners. Sharing a table for meal was a sign of acquaintance and friendship. In today’s Gospel, they […]
TWENTY-SECOND WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME CREATED ANEW IN CHRIST Introduction In today’s first reading, Paul makes, or more probably uses, a liturgical hymn that describes the primacy of Christ as the Lord of all. This is precisely the core of our faith, that Christ is the first-born of creation, and, as the risen Lord, […]
Reflection: Luke 5:1-11 The episode of the call of the first three apostles takes place on the shore of the Lake of Gennesaret. Jesus goes into the boat of Peter, asks him to put out a little off the ground, sits down and begins to teach the people. The intension of the evangelist by creating […]
TWENTY-SECOND WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME September 2, Thursday The background of today’s message to the Colossians is that gnostical tendencies are creeping in, promising a superior human knowledge even of divine mysteries. Hence the prayer of Paul that his Colossians may be filled with the full knowledge of God’s will, with wisdom and understanding coming […]
TWENTY-SECOND WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME FISHERS OF PEOPLE Introduction The background of today’s message to the Colossians is that gnostical tendencies are creeping in, promising a superior human knowledge even of divine mysteries. Hence the prayer of Paul that his Colossians may be filled with the full knowledge of God’s will, with wisdom and […]