Reflection: Matthew 24:42-51 The Gospel today speaks about the coming of the Lord at the end of time and exhorts us to be watchful, to watch. In the early Church, many believed that the end of this world was close at hand and that Jesus would return soon. Today, many people continue to believe that […]
TWENTY-FIRST WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME August 25, Wednesday Happy are we if we can say with St Paul that we have done nothing to please people but that our only aim is to please God and to care tenderly for people. We probably agree with Jesus’ strong condemnation of the hypocrisy of the Pharisees. […]
Reflection: Matthew 23:27-32 If we love our parents and the elderly, we shall take care of them, show them affection and care when they are alive. If you love your parents, take care of them when they are alive We come today to the last two of the seven ‘Woes’ which Jesus accuses against the […]
TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – YEAR B Introduction In Egypt, there has never been a code of laws. The very word “law” was unknown because the pharaoh, incarnation of the god Ra, established, by his word, what was just and right. He—the Egyptian texts recalled—”takes advice from his heart, dictates to the scribe […]
TWENTY- FIRST WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME August 24, Tuesday It is quite likely that Nathaniel of today’s gospel is the same person as the apostle Bartholomew. If so, he was an open and honest man, “in whom there was no deceit,” as Jesus said. First Reading: Revelation 21:9b-14 One of the Seven Angels who […]
Reflection: John 1: 45-51 We have only a little information about Bartholomew, one of the 12 apostles of Jesus. The Church has been identifying him with Nathanael for centuries, although without absolute certainties. The Gospel of John says that Nathanael came from Cana in Galilee [21.2]. As had happened with Andrew and Simon, Philip wished […]
TWENTY- FIRST WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME August 23, Monday The very reason why we are together here is that we believe in God and his Son Jesus Christ, that through the Holy Spirit we hope in the promises of God our Father and in the future to which Christ leads us, that we are […]
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time August 22, Sunday After Vatican II many were affected by the deeper insights in the Gospel and our faith which the Spirit had given to his Church: most were the result of deeper study or simply rediscoveries of neglected truths. To most people the renewal after the Council was […]
Reflection: John 6: 60-69 A moment of crisis is a moment of choice. A crisis is a moment that forces us to make decisions. Is there anyone who has never come across moments of crisis in their lives – family crises, marriage crises, social crises, crisis in work? This pandemic is also a time of […]