Thursday May 5, 2022

Thursday of 3rd Week in Easter   Encountering Christ in Word and Sacrament           Luke presents the conversion of the treasurer of the queen of Ethiopia very much in parallel with that of the disciples of Emmaus. The latter had listened to Christ’s explanation of the Scriptures about himself, and then recognized and really encountered […]


DREAMING WITH CLARET: XVII PROVINCIAL CHAPTER OF MÉXICO Morelia, Mexico. In the recently remodeled Claretian Spirituality Center in Morelia, Michoacán, at 12:10 pm, on May 2, 2022, and with the 25 members summoned in the chapter hall, the Claretian Missionaries of Mexico began their XVII Provincial Chapter, presided by Brother Carlos Horacio Verga Vicente, CMF. In […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: John 6:35-40 The crowd who followed Jesus had experienced the sign of Jesus feeding the multitude in the desert. They hailed him as a prophet; they wanted to force him to be their king, but … they preferred to remain a crowd rather than believing in him and becoming his disciples. This was an […]

Wednesday May 4, 2022       

Wednesday of 3rd Week in Easter   Persecution, Bread of Life                                 The fervor of the young Church is so contagious, that even in persecution Christians use the occasion of the persecution itself to preach the risen Christ. Indeed, God does not abandon the Church, even in moments of trial. The reading from […]

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