Reflection: Mark 6: 30-34 The task that Jesus entrusted to the Twelve was not entrusted to them alone, but to each disciple; so today he entrusts it to us. This is the invitation in today’s Gospel: to gather around Jesus to tell him what we are doing, what we have done, and what we are […]
The Evangelist John chose to tell a series of signs performed by Jesus to present his work of new creation. Jesus is the reveler of the Father and the creator of a new humanity. The first part of his discourse from Cana to Cana showed the novelty brought by Jesus in the institutions of the […]
July 17, Saturday FIFTEENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME In the first reading, we hear how the people of God start its march to a land of their own where they can serve God in freedom and be the living kingdom of God: the Promised Land. But the journey will be long, slow-paced, marked with sufferings, […]
Reflection: Matthew 12:14-21 Jesus is becoming a figure of controversy and is seen as a severe threat to the religious authorities. Matthew is presenting a series of confrontations that the religious leaders pick up with Jesus. Yesterday he was accused by Pharisees of condoning the breaking of the sabbath. Far from apologizing, Jesus came in […]
July 16, Friday FIFTEENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME When God brought punishing plagues on the Egyptians for oppressing his people, he saved the Hebrew families, which had eaten the paschal lamb and smeared its blood on the door posts. Christ communicates his salvation to us in the Eucharist, the new Passover meal. Here he […]
Reflection: Matthew 12:1-8 There are many “Our Ladys” in our popular devotions in the Church. Here, we usually concentrate on how the Blessed Virgin is honoured in a place – the Virgin who invites to pray the Rosary for world peace in Fatima, the Virgin inviting us to repentance and healing at Lourdes, the Virgin […]
July 15, Thursday FIFTEENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME We pay special attention today to the first reading, in which God reveals his name to Moses. God is he who is, he who is beyond any name, but who will also be known by what he does for his people, the God who told Moses: […]
Reflection: Matthew 11: 28-30 Jesus addresses those “who labour and are burdened” and promises rest. Indeed, He places Himself among them, because He carries the burden of the Cross. And in Chapter 16 we would also read, “If anyone wants to follow me, let him take up his cross and follow me” (Mt.16:24). The Cross […]
July 14, Wednesday FIFTEENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME God reveals himself as “the one who is there for you,” for his people. God created people free. When people rob themselves or others from their freedom, God’s love is wounded. For God is totally committed to people, to their struggles and sufferings, to their precious freedom. […]
Reflection: Matthew 11: 25- 27 Today’s Gospel passage speaks of a thanksgiving prayer of Jesus. He thanks the heavenly Father, for revealing the mysteries of God to the ordinary people. The scribes and the religious scholars and the temple authorities rejected Jesus – the mystery of God, while the simple, ordinary people in the villages […]