TWENTY- FIRST WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME A GOOD CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY Introduction The very reason why we are together here is that we believe in God and his Son Jesus Christ, that through the Holy Spirit we hope in the promises of God our Father and in the future to which Christ leads us, that […]
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Are You on My Side? We Have Made a Choice Though Not Perfect, It Is Beautiful Inside Greeting (see Second Reading) Christ loved his Church; he gave himself up for her to make her holy and immaculate; he nourishes us and cares for us. May his love and […]
TWENTIETH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME LET YOUR LIFE TELL Introduction Ruth had adopted the ways of her deceased Jewish husband. Now, she is adopted into God’s people. The Lord abhors duplicity and hypocrisy, particularly in religious leaders. The scribes had rendered a real service by becoming the teachers of Israel during the exile, when […]
TWENTIETH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME You shall love the Lord, your God Introduction Against the rather narrow nationalism of Judges and Ezra-Nehemiah the small book of Ruth gives a romantic, idyllic example in Ruth that even non-Jews can become integrated into the Jewish people. Ruth figures even in the genealogy of Jesus. At the […]
TWENTIETH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME CALLED TO THE FEAST Introduction The first reading reflects the primitive conditions and the moral underdevelopment of the period of the Judges. Jephthah, a man of good will and a dedicated servant of Yahweh, lacks the moral discernment to distinguish between the binding force of an imprudent vow and […]
TWENTIETH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME A GENEROUS GOD Introduction The first reading gives us a first attempt to establish a kingdom to give more stability to Israel than the system of the Judges, but the would-be king is rejected with an allegory that ridicules him. The parable of the laborers in the vineyard tells […]
TWENTIETH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME WHAT ABOUT US? Introduction Here we have a typical story of the vocation and the saving work of a Judge. The people are unfaithful; God calls Gideon to liberate the people from the Madianite oppressors. Gideon asks and gets a sign of his mission. In today’s gospel Peter asks, […]
TWENTIETH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME HE WENT AWAY SAD Introduction With today’s first reading, we take up for some days the book of Judges. Its author presents today a sort of theology of history of the Israelites, in four stages: 1. The people desert the God of the covenant and serve Canaanite idols. 2. […]
NINETEENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME THEIRS IS THE KINGDOM Introduction At the occasion of the entrance of God’s people into the Promised Land, Joshua convokes them to renew the covenant. They must realize that by doing so, they opt for God, they make a decisive choice, and they commit themselves to God and his […]
NINETEENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME MARRIAGE: FAITHFUL LOVE Introduction Joshua’s address to the people inculcates two points: first, God is the God of the history of his people and the people are what they are and where they are by the grace of a God who took pity on them and loved them; second, […]