Tuesday May 3, 2022

STS. PHILIP AND JAMES THE LESSER, Apostles, Feast             We honor today two apostles: Philip was one of the first disciples to be called by Jesus. James the lesser, brother of the apostle Jude, succeeded Peter as the head of the Church in Jerusalem and authored one of the epistles. Apostles are people who have […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: John 6:22-29 The author of the Gospel is not reporting an actual conversation of Jesus and the crowd. Today’s passage is a theological reflection addressing matters of dispute between the Christian community and their Jewish contemporaries of his time. Jesus had fed 5000 people with five loaves ‘on the other side of the lake’ […]

Monday May 2, 2022

Monday of 3rd Week in Easter   ATHANASIUS, Bishop, Church doctor St. Athanasius (295-273), patriarch of Alexandria, was a bishop living in a time of great crisis for the Church just after the Roman persecutions. He defended the divinity of Christ against Arianism, which said that Christ was no more than a man. He suffered […]

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