A courageous witness of the Light. Introduction The cult of the Virgin Mary began to rise and develop in Jerusalem in the V century. A century earlier, in the IV century, the cult of John the Baptist was so widespread as to be considered universal. The people paid tribute with an extraordinary veneration to […]
Rescued from Death by the God of Life Introduction Despite the suffering involved, people desperately love life. To Odysseus, who in Hades tries to console him, Achilles replies: “Do not embellish death for me, O Odysseus! I would rather, as a laborer, serve another man on earth than reign over the dead.” The concept of […]
June 22, Tuesday TWELFTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME Lot takes the rich, fertile plain that will be destroyed, Abraham the stony hills that his people will possess. The moralizing theme of the two ways, familiar to Jewish thought and also to Christian thinking from the early Church to the present – for example, […]
June 21, Monday TWELFTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME A vague promise was all that Abraham had to go by when he followed the call of an unknown God: a land to be possessed not by himself but by his descendants, a numerous people to be born from him though he was seventy-five, and […]
June 20, Sunday Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time “Where are you, Lord, when we suffer?” “Why do you sleep, Lord, when your Church is in pain?” “Why is there so much evil in the world?” These are often our cries when we feel threatened by the waves of misfortune and suffering and evil. […]
June 19, Saturday Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time Paul speaks of the extraordinary graces and experiences he had been given by God. Too often we worry much more than we should and about things that, after all, don’t matter much. Are not our fears and worries mostly about things and events of […]