Coffee With God

Reflection: John 6:16-21 Today’s gospel begins from where we stopped yesterday. It was the scene of Jesus feeding 5000 in the desert. John the evangelists uses the miracle scene to present Jesus as the new Moses, who leads his people to the new promised land of the Kingdom of God. John’s use of imageries continues […]

Saturday April 30, 2022

Saturday of 2nd Week in Easter   Servants in the Spirit              The apostles were looking for disciples to serve the material needs of the people. They were supposed to be servants filled with the Spirit of wisdom, who would see the needs of their brethren, just and fair in distributing the food and help […]

Saturday April 30, 2022

Saturday of 2nd Week in Easter   Servants in the Spirit                                      Introduction The apostles were looking for disciples to serve the material needs of the people. They were supposed to be servants filled with the Spirit of wisdom, who would see the needs of their brethren, just and fair in distributing the […]

Letter to the Philippians

LET’S KNOW THE BIBLE In Paul’s series of letters, called Captivity Letters, there is also the letter to the Philippians. However, modern scholars believe that this letter is not linked to Paul’s captivity in Rome, between 61 and 63 but is an older letter. Paul would have written to the Christian community in Philippi during […]

Coffee With God

  Reflection: John 6:1-15 John was not writing a chronicle of events that happened in the life of Jesus. Today’s passage begins by saying “Jesus went across the sea of Galilee. And a large crowd followed him.” There is no mention of any boat here. How would a large crowd go across the sea? That’s […]

Friday April 29, 2022

 1. CATHERINE of Siena, Virgin and Doctor What a rich personality, this valiant woman became a doctor of the Church.  A Dominican Tertiary, she was the leader in Siena of a kind of “charismatic movement” with an evangelical lifestyle. Though very pleasant and joyful, she was very sad to see the Church suffering because Pope […]

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