SEVENTEENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME THE BURIED TREASURE Introduction The radiance on the face of Moses indicates his intimate relationship with God. He is the prophet, the leader, the mediator between the people and God, the reconciler. The two parables of today’s stress, each in its own way, that one should give up […]
SEVENTEENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME THE FIELD OF THE WORLD Introduction Exodus gives us here a beautiful example of God’s tender covenant love for his sometimes-wayward people. He keeps protecting them and being present to them (hence, the cloud). His presence is very intimate especially for Moses. Hence, the radiance of Moses’ face. […]
SEVENTEENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME THE SMALLEST OF ALL SEEDS Introduction Cued by the Bible, in many languages “to worship (or adore) the golden calf” means to be inordinately after money and riches. In the Bible, it means to try to make oneself a god in the image of the human person, a […]
Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinary Time God Provides Food The Meager Gifts of a Little Boy He Took Bread and Gave Thanks Note. As Mark’s Gospel is much shorter than the other synoptics, it can hardly fill year B with enough significant passages. Hence, John’s chapter 6, on the multiplication and the Eucharistic discourse, […]
SIXTEENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME THE COVENANT – BLOOD RELATIONS OF GOD Introduction Today’s first reading describes the rite of the covenant, by which Israel became God’s chosen people with whom God made a blood compact, a sangduguan, whereby they became his blood relations. “I am the Lord your God” (in the singular, […]
SIXTEENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME THE COMMANDMENTS – THE ROAD TO FREEDOM Introduction “I am the Lord your God. I brought you… out of the house of slavery.” These opening words of the commandments mark the meaning that the Old Testament gave to God’s commandments. They are the charter of fidelity for us, […]
Sixteenth Week of Ordinary Time MARY MAGDALENE Introduction Contrary to popular belief, which is based on a rather late “tradition” in the West only, Mary Magdalene is not the sinful woman described in Luke 7. We know that she was from Magdala and had been cured by the Lord. She became an eager […]
SIXTEENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME MANNA: FOOD FROM HEAVEN Introduction It is quite likely that the delicious manna was not as plentiful and frequent as the epic description of Exodus seems to imply. But the authors bring out its theological meaning. When food is scarce and always the same, when the Hebrews cry […]
SIXTEENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME PASSING THROUGH WATERS Introduction In epic style and with a superabundance of poetic detail, the authors of Exodus write down, centuries after the events themselves, the realization that God himself had saved his people. The waters of the Sea of Reeds engulfed slavery and marked the beginning of […]
SIXTEENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME FAITH AND SIGNS Introduction As soon as their faith makes demands on them, as soon as they don’t see clear, the Hebrews complain and would choose slavery in Egypt rather than a difficult march through the desert to freedom. They don’t trust yet in God. They want signs […]