Friday 16 July

FIFTEENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME   THE SABBATH IS FOR PEOPLE   Introduction       When God brought punishing plagues on the Egyptians for oppressing his people, he saved the Hebrew families, which had eaten the paschal lamb and smeared its blood on the door posts. Christ communicates his salvation to us in the eucharist, the new […]

Saturday 10 July

FOURTEENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME   IN GOD’S HANDS   Introduction        “Do not be afraid,” said Joseph to his brothers. He forgave them, realizing that his sufferings caused by them were the seed of the future of God’s people.        “Do not be afraid.” says Jesus to his disciples three times. Even when persecuted and apparently […]

Friday 09 July

FOURTEENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME   SENT WITHOUT SECURITY   Introduction       Jacob and his sons had to be uprooted and to accept the uncertain. Yet God promised to accompany them in the school of trials that prepared them to become his people.       What Jesus says of his apostles-missionaries applies also to all who follow him: […]

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