Tuesday April 26, 2022

Tuesday of 2nd Week in Easter   One Heart and One Mind                                                    We know from our disappointing experiences how difficult it is to be a real community. We have different personalities with different ideas, attitudes and potentials. The great obstacle is we ourselves: we want people to go our way, and we […]

Tuesday April 26, 2022

Tuesday of 2nd Week in Easter   One Heart and One Mind         Introduction                                                             We know from our disappointing experiences how difficult it is to be a real community. We have different personalities with different ideas, attitudes and potentials. The great obstacle is we ourselves: we want people to go our […]


BUILDING A PLACE TO STRENGTHEN ONE’S SPIRITUALITY   Ngaremara, Kenya. St. Charles Lwanga Independent Delegation is building a Retreat Centre in Ngaremara Parish, a pastoralist-dominated area in Northern Kenya. The Claretians have been running the Parish since 2009. Starting a retreat center came into mind after the missionaries working in that corner of the world deemed […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Mark 16:15-20 According to Saint Jerome, the Gospel of Mark, which was the first of the four gospels to be written, presented Jesus Christ as King and hence he is given the biblical image of Lion. Today the Church celebrates the Feast of St. Mark. He wrote the Gospel as a catechesis on the […]

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