Monday March 15

Fourth week of Lent                                                                  Faith in the Future                                                                  Introduction For people who believe, the golden age lies in the future, not […]

Wednesday March 10

Third Week of Lent   Commandments: Sign of Freedom and Love                         Introduction What is the meaning of the commandments to us? To some, they are the summary and summit of all morality; to others, narrow and outmoded rules; still to others, obstacles to the freedom of the gospel. To Israel, they were the expression […]

Monday March 8

 Third Week of Lent   SALVATION FOR PAGANS                                                              Introduction Today’s liturgy thinks especially of converts who are baptized and immersed into the baptismal water. Are conversion and missionary action still valid? Why be concerned about unknown, distant peoples? – Elisha cured the pagan officer from Damascus, Syria, and the man found both […]

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