Tuesday April 6 

Easter Tuesday, RECOGNIZING THE RISEN LORD                                                       Introduction It is not always easy to recognize the risen Lord. This was the experience of Mary Magdalene. We too, are asked, “Whom are you seeking?” Are we really seeking the Lord Jesus? Do we recognize him not only in our prayers and during the reception […]

Monday April 5 

Easter Monday, WE ARE EASTER WITNESSES                                             Introduction Peter had refused to say that he knew Jesus. Now, he cannot stop proclaiming that Jesus is risen. Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of James, rush to tell the apostles that Jesus is risen. The readings of today are all about witnessing to the resurrection. Peter […]

Tuesday May 25

EIGHTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME   A HUNDREDFOLD REWARD   Introduction        “Honor the Lord with generosity… Add a smiling face to all your gifts” says the first reading. The advice of Ben Sirach is for honest persons to thank God by offering sacrifices, but God will not accept sacrifices from dishonest people, for he accepts no bribes. […]

Monday May 24

EIGHTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME   NOT WILLING TO PAY THE PRICE   Introduction       Ben Sirach states that all, even the just, are affected by sin and therefore he sounds a call for penance.       The young man of the gospel is proud, perhaps a bit pharisaically, to have observed the commandments since his childhood. But […]

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