5th Sunday of Easter – Whoever is in Christ is a New Creature

Introduction The Church’s days are numbered—some say—because she is old, does not know how to renew herself, repeats old formulas instead of responding to new questions, stubbornly restates obsolete rituals and unintelligible dogmas while today’s people are looking for a new equilibrium, a new way of life, a less distant God. There is a growing […]

4th Sunday of Easter – It’s Nice to be Carried, but by Whom?

Introduction From the third century A.D. (not before) the image of Christ the shepherd with a lamb on his shoulders and surrounded by the flock often appears in the catacombs. It is a scene that intends to portray the confidence and serenity with which the believer crosses the dark valley of death, supported or guided […]

3rd Sunday of Easter – It’s Hard to Believe Even for Those Who Have Seen

  Introduction In the Christian community we elaborate ambitious pastoral programs, in the family, we implement the latest psychological techniques to better educate the children, we make every effort, make plans, and yet—we know—even the most laudable efforts are not always successful. The child enrolled, with many sacrifices, in the most famous Catholic school, the […]

Divine Mercy – It’s Hard to Believe Even for Those Who Have Seen

Introduction “Fortunate are you to see what you see!” Jesus said one day (Lk 10:23). The disciples who accompanied the Master during his public life are called by Luke witnesses of the events that have taken place among us (Lk 1:1-2). It is undeniable; they are blessed because they have seen. Among them, there is […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: John 12: 1-11 It is the first day of the Holy Week during which we prepare ourselves to celebrate the mysteries of the death and resurrection of Jesus. We call them mysteries because with the human intelligence and wisdom, we will never be able to comprehend or explain them. As we begin our journey […]

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