Coffee With God

Reflection: John 8: 31-42 Faith is not genuine until it touches our attitudes and, above all, our concrete choices. To “remain” in the Word of Christ means to conform our lives to his life and his virtues. Christ seems to imply that there are true and false disciples. There is only one way to tell […]

Wednesday April 6, 2022

Wednesday of 5th Week in Lent   The Truth Will Set You Free — Believe Like Abraham                                                                                                    Persons who trust in God fight enslavement to sin. In the face of abuse of authority, persecution or coercion of any kind, even of tradition or of the law, they retain their inner freedom. When they hear […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: John 8: 21-30 The rebellion of Israel in the desert is a constant theme that the Church takes up for the liturgical reflections. Israelites in the desert heading for the promised land – that is, the entire story of the Exodus – has so much in common with the life of the Church in […]

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