Tuesday of 5th Week in Lent Look Up to Christ Introduction An incontestable truth is that only faith saves. For the Jews wandering in the desert, faith in God’s power – presented here in the form of a bronze serpent – will save the rebellious people of God. The Pharisees have to accept Christ […]
Boryslav, Ukraine. We now offer information about the trip of the Provincial Superior, the Econome and the Secretary of Poland to Ukraine from March 29-30, 2022: On March 29-30, 2022, together with the Provincial Econome, Br. Tadeusz Lihs, CMF, and the Provincial Secretary, Fr. Łukasz Przybyło, CMF, we went to Ukraine. In fact, our trip to […]
MARIAN WRITINGS OF ST. ANTHONY MARY CLARET NOW AVAILABLE IN PORTUGUESE Saint Anthony Mary Claret, Escritos Marianos, Portuguese version translated by Fr. Américo Paulo dos Santos Freitas Maia, CMF, Editorial Claret, Barcelona, March 2022, 513 pp. Vic, Spain. The Portuguese translation of the volume “Escritos ic, Spain. The Portuguese translation of the volume “Escritos Marianos” by Saint Anthony Mary Claret has just […]
Reflection: John 8: 12-20 The Pharisees are, as always, trying to place Jesus on the dock “on trial.” More arrogant religious leaders come in to probe Jesus and his teachings that challenge their traditions and religious practices. The first reading from the book of Daniel also spoke about an unjust trial in the story of […]
Monday of 5th Week in Lent Do Not Condemn God Forgives The first reading is an addition from a later period to the Book of Daniel. Probably Shushanna (Lily) stands for faithful Israel. And so, in the form of an allegorical tale the story comments on the faithfulness of the pious Jews to Yahweh, […]
Monday of 5th Week in Lent Do Not Condemn God Forgives Introduction The first reading is an addition from a later period to the Book of Daniel. Probably Shushanna (Lily) stands for faithful Israel. And so, in the form of an allegorical tale the story comments on the faithfulness of the pious Jews […]