Keeping Young Missionaries Rooted in Christ…

Keeping Young Missionaries Rooted in Christ and Audacious in Mission Both East Nigeria Province and West Nigeria Independent Delegation held their Quinquennium programs this week in each own place. East Nigeria Province gathered its fourteen young missionaries from March 15 to 18, 2022. Present were Frs. Uche Cletus, Uwakwe Denis, Anyaebosim Emmanuel, Ekwems Henry, Onele […]

Seeking New Approaches, New Church Style

Vic, Spain. From March 14 to 16, 2022, at the Casa de Espiritualidad de Vic, Sanctus Paulus Province gathered its missionaries in charge of parish pastoral ministries. There were five participants from the Cataluña Region, three from the France Region, two from the Italian Region, two from the Euskal Herria Region, the Provincial Prefect of Apostolate, Fr. […]


March 25 GOD HAD GIVEN MANY PROOFS OF LOVE, BUT HE HELD IN RESERVE THE MOST UNHEARD-OF WONDERS   Introduction This ancient festival is connected with the spring equinox. It was celebrated in Palestine possibly as early as the fourth century and introduced in the West in the seventh century. Initially, it was not a […]

Easter Vigil of the Lord’s Resurrection – Year C

Do not look for the living among the dead   Introduction We Christians are convinced of being custodians of an excellent project, man and society. We are proud when they recognize that the moral proposition that we preach is noble and elevated. We are pleased to be referred to as the messengers of universal brotherhood, […]

Holy Thursday Mass Of The Lord’s Supper

  Jesus: broken bread, offered as nourishment Introduction Among the many names by which the Eucharist was called, the one that best expresses the meaning and richness of the sacrament is the breaking of the bread. The disciples of Emmaus recognized the Lord “in the breaking of the bread” (Lk 24:35); the community of Jerusalem […]

Coffee With God

  Reflection: Luke 4:24-30 What had irritated the assembly in Nazareth were the words of ‘grace’ of Jesus. And the villagers – their village heads expelled Jesus from their village. The word ‘village’ in the Gospels always had a negative connotation. The people of a village remained closed-minded, attached to their traditions, not wanting to […]

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