Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 11: 29-32 We hear, but we don’t listen. Our eyes are open, but we don’t see. In the Gospel today, Jesus talks about Jonah and the Ninevites. Jonah went to Nineveh and preached a message of repentance. Everyone listened, from the lowliest to the king. They put on sackcloth and fasted and prayed […]

YOU ARE NOT ALONE: Celebrating…

YOU ARE NOT ALONE: Celebrating International Women’s Day with the Widows of Nagercoil Nagercoil, India. One of the mission posts of the Claretian Province of Chennai in India anticipated the International Women’s Day celebration on Sunday, March 6, 2022, in Thadikarankonam, Nagercoil, with one hundred thirty-eight widows of the Namakaga Naam Widows Organization and twenty other […]

Coffee With God

REFLECTION: Matthew 6:7-15 “Women make the world beautiful, they protect it and keep it alive.” “They bring the grace of renewal, the embrace of inclusion, and the courage to give of oneself.” This was the message of Pope Francis on the International Women’s Day in 2019. “Peace, then, is born of women, it arises and […]

Second Sunday of Lent

      THE MYSTERIOUS REASONS OF THE HEART   Introduction In popular language, to fall for someone is synonymous with falling in love. The momentum of love does not deny the rational, but goes beyond it, ranges over new horizons, and soars towards a world of unexpected emotions. Faith is a conscious decision. Jesus […]

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