ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD We celebrate today the solemn feast of the Annunciation. “Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary,” said the old missal. That was correct, in a way, for the angel came to announce glad tidings to Mary. “Annunciation of the Lord,” says the new missal. Yes, this is the day that the […]
Friday of 7th Week in Ordinary Time Joined Together By God Introduction James gives practical advice. We have to wait in patience for the coming of the Lord, and also be patient with one another. Then, we should be reliable people who stand by their given word. To Christ, marriage is planned by God […]
Thursday of 3rd Week in Lent Listening to God’s Word “Listen to my voice,” says God through his prophet Jeremiah, and then, he complains that God’s people fails to listen, that they listen to themselves and follow their own ways. Their deeds do not speak the language of God. […]
Reflection: Mk 9:41-50 Mark the evangelist expresses his concerns over the bad examples of the members of his community and leading others into loss of faith in the message of the Gospel. He reminds his Community, about how harsh Jesus was, on those who created divisions in the community. St. Mark would teach the Church […]
Thursday of 7th Week in Ordinary Time Protect the Weak Introduction James resorts to the vehement invective of the prophets against the rich who exploit the poor, though there must have been few really rich in the early Christian communities. In a series of not too well connected words of the Lord to his […]