Coffee With God

Reflection: Mk 9:38-41 Today’s gospel speaks about an unknown exorcist and Mark discusses the issues of diversity and inclusiveness in the early church. Exorcisms were a well-documented phenomenon in early Church. Mark’s episode of the unknown exorcist reflects such a historical situation. Through the episode, Mark explains that God’s kingdom expands not merely through certain […]

Consolidating Christ-rooted Persons to…

Consolidating Christ-rooted Persons to Cater to the Needs of the Needy: SEPE KITA Community Management 2022-2025 Kupang, Indonesia. Fr. Valens Agino, CMF, Major Superior of Indonesia-Timor Leste Independent Delegation Leste, during a Mass, officially acknowledged the “SEPE KITA Community” in the Delegation,  received the oath of office, and sent off its officials for 2022-2025 on Saturday, […]

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