Coffee With God

Reflection: Mark 8:27-33 Several times in the Gospel, we read that the crowds and the disciples have put the question about Jesus: “Who is this?” With today’s passage, Mark intends to reveal the mystery, answers the question on everyone’s mind. The episode is set in the vicinity of Caesarea Philippi, the city that Philip, one […]

Thursday February 17, 2022

Thursday of 6th Week in Ordinary Time  Equals Before God                                         Introduction Our constant temptation is to look up to people in positions of power, wealth, influence, and to disregard the poor and the weak and to discriminate against them and also against half of humanity-women. It demands courage to associate with the poor and […]

Young People Living their Catholic Christian…

Young People Living their Catholic Christian Identity in a Globalized Society and a Synodal Church Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. The Youth Pastoral Coordination of Congo Independent Delegation organized a conference for the young people of the Claretian parishes under the care of the Delegation in past weeks. It took place in two different areas; one […]

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