Seventh Sunday in ordinary Time – Year C Introduction   In front of his school colleagues, Ernesto says, ‘I respect everyone, but if they kidnap my child, I certainly will kill the responsible.’ Joseph is an employee; one day, he comes home upset with anger for the injustice suffered and confides to his wife: ‘I […]

CLARET on Italian Television on Valentine’s Day

Rome, Italy. The film “CLARET,” as it continues its international distribution, will air on prime time television of TV2000 of Italy at 9:10 in the evening of February 14, 2022, dubbed in the Italian language. It features some significant moments in the life of St. Anthony Mary Claret, also known as “Father Claret,” a hero of […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Mark 8:14-21 Today’s Gospel brings up a warning against the yeast of the Pharisees and Herodians. Mark was writing his text of the Gospel for the Catechumens in Rome. He wanted to communicate a specific message to those who were receiving baptism and coming into Faith: The Good News of Jesus spreads and multiplies. […]

Tuesday February 15, 2022

Tuesday of 6th Week in Ordinary Time Use Your Eyes and Ears!   Introduction James calls blessed those who resist the test of temptations. But temptations do not come from God but from the concupiscence within ourselves. From God comes all good gifts. The theme of yesterday is continued in today’s reading. We should not […]

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