Being Rooted in Christ and Audacious in Mission in German-Speaking Europe Today Spaichingen, Germany. As the Province of Deutschland begins its X Provincial Chapter today, we present an interview with the Provincial Superior of Deutschland, Fr. Callistus Joseph, CMF, during the preparation stage of their Chapter. The X Provincial Chapter of Deutschland is presided by Fr. […]
SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – YEAR C Introduction The one who has the money to invest does not rely on the first sales pitch on the street. He asks for information, seeks advice from experts in economics, checks which actions are down and which are rising, which gives significant reliability, and which are […]
Tuesday of 5th Week in Ordinary Time The Temple is for People At the dedication of the Temple of Jerusalem, King Solomon prayed to the Lord. He asked God to be always present in the temple for the sake of the covenant; thus, he would be available to people expressing their needs. After a […]
Reflection: Mark 7:1-13 Today’s gospel discusses about the value of the “tradition of the elders” and Jesus cautions his listeners that these traditions must never take precedence over the commandment of God. Pope Francis explains this passage and says, “today Jesus wants to caution us too, against the belief that outward observance of the commandments […]
Tuesday of 5th Week in Ordinary Time The Temple is for People Introduction At the dedication of the Temple of Jerusalem, King Solomon prayed to the Lord. He asked God to be always present in the temple for the sake of the covenant; thus, he would be available to people expressing their […]
Instead of savoring the moment, do what the disciples do The disciples know as well as anyone that life is full of loss and wonder, and they just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Don’t you just love it when someone tries to help you gain perspective—perhaps by pointing out the proverbial […]
Who is the patron saint of love? Valentine isn’t the only saint available for relationship advice. People seeking a saint’s intercession to help with their love lives might appeal to St. Valentine, but he’s not the only saint available for relationship advice. Dedicating Valentine’s Day to romantic love shortchanges celebrations for other types of feelings. Part […]