Friday of 2nd Week in Ordinary Time AGNES, Virgin and Martyr Introduction Few saints have been as popular in Rome as the twelve or thirteen-year old girl martyr St. Agnes. At a time of massive defections from the faith, in 305 she endured torture with idealism and patient faithfulness. Even the young can […]
Thursday of 2nd Week in Ordinary Time Jesus Christ, Mediator, Healer David’s victory over Goliath and the praise that the people give him become for Saul the reason to become very jealous of David. Saul’s son Jonathan, a close friend of David, pleads for him and can temporarily refrain Saul from harming David. In […]
Reflection: Mark 3:7-12 Today the Church celebrates the Memorial of St. Sebastian a Roman martyr of the 3rd Century. He is venerated as a protector from epidemics and as a patron of plague victims. Let us invoke the powerful intercession of St. Sebastian for deliverance from this pandemic and healing of all those who are […]
Thursday of 2nd Week in Ordinary Time Jesus Christ, Mediator, Healer Introduction David’s victory over Goliath and the praise that the people give him become for Saul the reason to become very jealous of David. Saul’s son Jonathan, a close friend of David, pleads for him and can temporarily refrain Saul from harming David. […]
Wednesday of 2nd Week in Ordinary Time Doing good on the Lord’s day David and Goliath! A boy and a professional military leader. Often in the Bible, the weak are more powerful than the strong. What is weak and small attracts God’s strength. It is not really the underdog who beats the bragging man […]